Preparing for Maize harvest

Preparing for Maize harvest

Top tips to stop spoilage in your maize silage

We are seeing some very varied growth with some crops being huge and others struggling. In all cases, there is little you can do to improve the crop as most have grown too big for any nutrient or disease spray applications. The time to regularly check the crops for maturity is fast approaching making it possible to decide on the harvest date

Don't forget to check silage stocks and estimated maize yields. If there is more maize than can fit in the clamp without filling it above the walls then waste could be a huge problem. For example:

1,000 tonne clamp that is overfilled by just 200 tonnes

Could increase wastage by 15%

The cost per tonne of maize to feed will increase by €€€

Watch our video below for Top Tips

Maize clamp magniva

Here is the result of excellent silage management from production to feeding - a maize clamp that has minimal waste. This must be the target for all maize silage growers and is clearly achievable.


Formulated specifically for maize harvested at higher dry matters and for the easier to ensile maize crops, MAGNIVA PLATINUM MAIZE contains a unique combination of proven heterofermentative bacteria.

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This forage inoculant is formulated specifically for forage maize harvested at lower dry matters or when harvest conditions are more challenging, MAGNIVA PLATINUM MAIZE ELITE contains a unique combination of proven bacteria and enzymes.

For more information

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Would you like to chat?

If you would like a chat about how our Magniva Maize Silage innoculants and how they can help you get maximum quality and output from your maize harvest


Michael Cleary on 086 8048219