Grass Seed Mixtures: Maximise the Value of Your Grazing

Grass Seed Mixtures: Maximise the Value of Your Grazing

Achieving optimal pasture performance can feel challenging. Whether it’s maximising grass yields, ensuring high-quality silage, or promoting efficient grazing, farmers face numerous challenges. Specialist Nutrition understands these obstacles all too well. Low grass yields can hinder your farm’s productivity, while poor silage quality may compromise livestock performance. Moreover, inefficient grazing practices can lead to wastage and reduced profitability. Discover how our tailored grass seed mixtures can help transform your farm’s productivity and profitability. With dedicated technical consultants stationed throughout Ireland, we’re ready to help you maximise the value of your grazing operation.

How We Can Help

Specialist Nutrition offers top-performing grass seed mixtures tailored to your farm's needs, helping you overcome challenges and achieve exceptional results.
Talk to our sales team today about how our grass seed mixure could help your farm by calling +353 (0) 51 833071.

Our 5-Star Grass Seed Mixtures

Specialist Grazer HVS

SPECIALIST GRAZER HVS employs best-in-class grass mixtures that are proven to help achieve your production goals, whether producing the highest quality milk, beef or lamb from your herds.

  • This versatile mixture offers:
  • High Yields
  • Exceptional Quality
  • Persistence

Specialist Cut & Graze

SPECIALIST CUT AND GRAZE is a dual-purpose mixture designed for both grazing and silage making.

  • This highly versatile mixture offers:
  • Dual-Purpose Versatility
  • High Yields
  • Excellent Quality and Persistence

Important Considerations when Deciding on Your Grass Mixture

• Identify your lowest performance paddocks for reseeding priority.
• Employ a grass mixture tailored to what your sward will be used for — e.g., grazing, silage, zero-grazing, one-cut and graze.
• Evaluate land/soil type and its baseline fertility.
• Ensure your mixture is on the ‘Irish Grass and Clover Recommended List’.
Graze out — Grass variety that delivers 15T is of little use if your animals won’t eat it. Early spring graze-out to a low post-grazing height will prime your swards to produce more grass of a higher quality.
Yield — When your variety grazes out well, you should aim to produce as much as possible to meet your farm’s needs.
Quality — When you have determined your utilisable yield, you want it to be of the highest quality possible. The best gauge of quality will be your animals’ satisfaction when feeding and choosing the right grass mixture will ensure that.

Get Expert Advice

Specialist Nutrition: Your Partner In Farming

Transform your grazing and silage production with Specialist Nutrition’s grass seed mixtures. With technical consultants across Ireland, we are dedicated to enhancing your farm’s overall performance with bespoke strategies. Ask our expert nutritionists today for friendly and personalised advice tailored to your farm’s needs on getting the most from your grassland for increased herd performance. Simply click below to email or call us now.